24 x 36″ Poster for SHADOWBOX HUNT Coming Soon

Latest artwork of cat in art, sold at Laguna Beach’s Art-A-Fair
Although I had not planned to put a cat into this piece of art, in a new series of acrylic originals, it happened anyway. Was just getting acquainted with it, but it found a new home for an art lover who also appreciates our felines.
To the new owner of this piece, may you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thanks, Laura

Showing Cat Art and Kids’ Books ~ The Licensing Expo
My booth at the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas next week will feature images from The Magic Cats Collection ~ cat art full of color and personality… with a touch of human in their soulful eyes. They are already appearing as wall decor, fabric design and soon to be on plates, mugs, figurines and more. Art from my children’s books will also be there ~ this art is appearing on jigsaw puzzles, resulting from last year’s show. We’ll see what happens this time!

A COLLECTION OF Creatively Talented Cat Characters
Images taken from my cat art galleries in a collection of role playing felines, eventually for a gift book. Currently available in singles as prints.
Three samples here!

Poetry in Paint ~ Cat Art, Dog Art, People & Poems…
Although I had not planned to put a cat into this piece of art, in a nWhether it’s cats or dogs, our best friends play an important role in our lives. Laura Seeley’s POETRY IN PAINT collection is a celebration of these precious critters. With a touch of fantasy and fun. But look closely. Nestled in the landscape of each lyrical painting is a verse. Award-winning author and illustrator of children’s books, Laura the painter suggests that “life’s experience” is one big story, a story filled with many smaller stories. Goals, dreams, the paths we take, the choices we make, strategy, luck, love… Laura sees what wonderful creations each and every animal is. As she looks into their often inquisitive eyes, she longs to know how they perceive the world they share with us. And she wonders. Perhaps how we treat and respect these beautiful and mysterious creatures are reflections of ourselves.ew series of acrylic originals, it happened anyway. Was just getting acquainted with it, but it found a new home for an art lover who also appreciates our felines.
To the new owner of this piece, may you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thanks, Laura

Cat Art? Dog Art? No…It’s Whale Art This Time
“Splash Dance”
As a new resident of Dana Point, I am constantly stimulated by the scenery offered by this coastal town. As an artist and animal lover, I usually celebrate our beloved cats and dogs in paintings and drawings. This time, it’s these gentle giants of the sea I highlight, with color, composition and much happiness. While my subjects usually speak through human-like eyes and facial expression, in this case I felt that their tails would be more telling. For whale watchers, these wondrous creatures have a gift to share. When one emerges from the depths and dark blue waves, it can happen with a sudden “BOO!” effect, creating quite an adrenaline rush for its human audience. But the ultimate visual treat… is its tail. Outstanding in aesthetics aside, one fleeting glimpse often leaves viewers with a sense of awe, victory, respect… even euphoria. I hope you will enjoy “Splash Dance” as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Cat Art, Dog Art & Children’s Books, Best Friends Art Gallery, Dana Point, CA
Paintings of cats and dogs and whimsical stuff along with my kids’ books will be in my booth at the fabulous Art-A-Fair in Laguna Beach from late June to early September.
If you’re local, swing by Laura Seeley Studio & Best Friends Art Gallery in Dana Point, to pick up a free season pass for two.
I look forward to seeing you there and at the fair! – Laura
24682 Del Prado, Dana Point, CA 92629

In Celebration of the Black Cat
Interesting that the black cat so often gets overlooked and avoided at adoption events; sad, too. Ironically, though, I’ve lost count the times I’ve heard from my art buyers how much my best seller, “The Hunter”, looks just like theirs. He decorates the home page in this site and is a very black cat.
In anticipation of one of our favorite holidays, here is the 4pak design of images from “A Cat Never Tells”, available on long-sleeve ladies’ black tees. Each individually titled, images also available singularly as art as well as on tees. Complete set can be viewed in the gallery “A Cat Never Tells”
Also available, “The Hunter”, in two versions; yellow eyes and green eyes. (The Country Cats Gallery)
And “Stargazer”, my other best selling kitty (The Whimsy Cats Gallery)

Picture Pendant Necklaces ~ A Fun Way of Wearing Art
If you want to wear a cat or dog, but not on clothing, do it by dangling it on the end of a silver-finished chain. My new large, deep picture pendant necklaces are finally here!
The rectangular piece is 1″ wide by 2″ long; the square is 1 3/8″. Hand-crafted and triple glazed with clear acrylic, the lead-free nickel-free pendant is a fun and understated way to wear art without “wearing art”.
Many of my paintings and drawings are now available in miniature on a 24″ chain. Cats, dogs, flowers, teddy bears and many other whimsical images. Makes a great giftie, too!

Cat Veterinarian Conference in Seattle ~ Selling My Stuff
In Seattle today and this weekend at the American Association of Feline Practitioners conference, working with some wonderful cat veterinarians and ART FOR CATS’ SAKE. We’ll be selling my prints and picture pendant necklaces in the hopes that we can generate some help for our beloved kitties!

The Eyes Have It
Cats have always tickled my creative inspiration. As one might say while perusing my body of work…”Ya think?” And while that inspiration comes from their many incredible traits- their grace, their mystery, their lines, their soft textures, their gaits… it’s their eyes especially, that draw (so to speak) me in. Windows of light, reflections, windows to their souls… yada yada, yes, that’s been said by many again and again. For me, it also and simply has to be translated onto paper with paint and pencil… for my own pleasure and to share with other humans. With that, I add a little dash of human to their eyes. As my book, The Magical Moonballs, tells, a smile is contagious and comes in every language. I hope to keep my fellow humans smiling as they look into my critter-characters’ eyes. Makes me smile, too.